
Monday, April 19, 2010

Ancient city wall of Polonnaruwa damaged by earth removing machines

(April 20, 2010) The ancient city wall of Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka has been damaged by certain elements in a development activity in the heritage city.

Reports from Polonnaruwa said that the damage to the city wall has been done by construction machinery that was deployed in laying water supply tubes.

The foundation and the brick layers of the ancient city wall have been damaged by the earth removing machines, said Dr. Senarath Disanayaka, the Director General of the Archaeological Department.

The wall which was said to have been built by King Parakramabahu the Great to protect the city was destroyed by an organized group using backhoes. More than 200 metres of the wall was destroyed during the last two days.

Due permission of the Archaeological Department has not been obtained for this construction, said the Director General adding that the Department will conduct an investigation regarding the incident.
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