
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stop building car park and a toilet complex in Deepa Udyana, Polonnaruwa

(October 12, 2010) Lanka Jathika Sangha Sabhawa, an organization of Buddhist monks urge the Minister of Economic Development Basil Rajapaksa to reconsider the construction of a car park and a toilet facility on historical land in Sri Lanka’s ancient city Polonnaruwa.

The place demarcated for the development is identified as ‘Deepa Udyana’, an ancient park. The monks say that a part of the ruined park was destroyed in road development and the remainder is the only memorandum of the historical monument.

They point out that this place was restored by two ancient kings of Polonnaruwa at the beginning of the second millennium. They also argue that the land is rich with bio diversity and a wetland belonged to the catchment areas of reservoir Parakrama Samudraya.
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