
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Megalithic cemeteries with tombs found in Sri Lanka

(October 30, 2009) Two cemeteries belonged to the megalithic period have been identified in the Horowpothana divisional secretary area of Anuradhapura district in the NorthCentral Province of Sri Lanka. The two cemeteries are situated near Andiyagala village of Gomarankadawala and  close to Sinhalawagahaththikaweva (tank/reservoir).

These cemeteries are believed to belong to the period from 8th to 4th century BC, says the Eastern Province Assistant Director of the Archeological Department M.A.J.R. Madagammana.

The cemetery found from Andigala is spread in around 20 acres with 12 tombs already discovered. The other cemetery found from Sinhalawagahaththika around five acres large and five tombs have been discovered so far.
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