
Friday, April 23, 2010

Historic ruins excavated

24 APRIL 2010
By Hirtan Priyankara jayasinghe (Daily Mirror)

The ruins of an ancient building were found on Thursday during the ongoing excavations in Pallama Sri Nandimitra Navavangu Rajamaha Vihara to lay the foundation for a new building. The Chief Incumbent of the temple the Ven. Pothuthukkulame Deerananada Thera believes that the row of granite steps and the moonstone discovered beneath the temple grounds belong to the Anuradhapura period.

The moonstone was about 6ft long and the row of steps was 8ft wide. A granite vessel which had probably been used to grind medicinal herbs was among the artefacts found at the site.

According to tradition, Nandimitra Rajamaha Vihara is said to have been built during the reign of King Dutugemunu (137-161BC) .The Ven. Thera said the Archaeological Department would be requested to carry out further excavations.
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