
Sunday, May 23, 2010

Illegal constructions in Sigiriya halted

(May 24, 2010) The Director General of the Department of Archaeology of Sri Lanka Dr. Senarath Disanayaka has instructed the Central Cultural Fund officials to suspend the controversial constructions in world heritage site Sigiriya.

Media and activists criticized the construction of a system of sewage with toilets and latrines near the ancient lion’s mouth entrance to the rock fortress. The Director General of Archeology suspended the construction until a re-evaluation is carried out regarding the construction plan. He said that the construction was approved following a series of consultation of relevant authorities and experts.

The construction of Central Cultural Fund cafeteria was permanently halted by the Director General, Department sources said.

These decisions were taken when the Director General visited Sigiriya yesterday with his officials.
Sigiriya is a rock fortress with beautiful paintings and graffiti belonged to a time as far as 5th century AD and it is one of the major tourist attractions of the island.
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