
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Frescoes in Sri Lanka's Sigiriya threatened

(May 09, 2010) A controversy has erupted in Sri Lanka due to a insect menace in Sigiriya ancient rock fortress. While the archaeological authorities are busy in wiping out these insects that harm the world famous frescoes, media and environmentalists charge that the environmental imbalance caused by the removal of wasps from Sigirya may cause increase of the insects harmful to frescoes.

However, the allegation of the environmentalists is yet to be proven. Few months back the archaeological authorities used chemicals and fire to wipe out the wasps from Sigiriya. Environmntalists criticized this action as a violent move.

Wasps lived in Sigiriya for eons of years and when they were disturbed by the visitors, the wasps attacked causing panic and injury to visitors.

The new attack of insects was immediately followed by the removal of wasps from Sigiriya. The officials of Archeological Department are using chemicals to wipe out these insect.

The Director General of Archeological Department Dr. Senerath Disanayaka said that the chemical used is the same that was used around 100 years ago when the same insect was spread and it was not harmful to frescoes.

A councilor of local government Pradeshiya Sabha of Dambulla in the Central Province of Sri Lanka recently focused attention of the authorities to provide security and protection to world famous frescoes in Sigiriya that are threatened by weather and other causes.

The Pradeshiya Sabha Councillor Saman Bandara Moremada pointed out at the monthly meeting of the council that the frescoes in a cave in Sigiriya have been damaged by insects. He also said that the curtain that covered the frescoes from sun had also worn out exposing the frescoes to weather.

The main gate of the cave is also broken and the monkeys that enter into the cave in the night might damage the frescoes, the councilor also pointed out. He criticized the authorities for not taking timely action to protect the site.

Sigiriya was declared the 202th World Heritage site at the summit of UNESCO held in 1982.
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